Learning to Breathe

Learning to Breathe

Early every Monday morning, I drive along the edge of the sea, straight into the sunrise, which comes either as a soft mist or as a breathtaking quicksilver glisten on the horizon. Leaving my car at the edge of a rutted lane, I pass though a rustic wooden gate, then an allée of young fig […]

Introducing Vivid Reads

Introducing Vivid Reads

Something we hear all the time from women is how rare it is to see ourselves accurately depicted in word and film. Maybe this is because juicy, powerful, and sovereign (or fill in your favorite menopausal experience) can look and feel so different to each one of us. Maybe this is another reflection of how […]



In like a lion, out like a lamb. So goes the old saying about March. It’s blustery, changeable, wind-swept, and suddenly, in the very middle, it’s spring (or autumn, depending on where you live). March for me is the month of gigantic, fluffy clouds and unexpected sunshine. It’s the month of new life hatching and […]

Letting Go of Good

Letting Go of Good

You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. (Mary Oliver, Wild Geese)   On my walk this morning I saw the most wonderful sight: the tiny, pale green points of baby leaves hatching from winter’s buds. There were crocus […]

How the Heart Speaks

How the Heart Speaks

As we enter our late 30’s and early 40’s (the decade of time which typically precedes natural menopause) something happens to our emotions. It can look like depression or apathy. Even things we normally love can lose their gleam and we can find ourselves struggling with a lack of energy. It can look like anger—a […]