All Week: Stargazing

All Week: Stargazing

Patience by Mary Oliver What is the good life now? Why, look here, consider the moon’s white crescent rounding, slowly, over the half month to still another perfect circle – the shining eye that lightens the hills, that lays down the shadows of the branches of the trees, the summons the flowers to open their […]

Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?

This week is our second official Vivid Menopause planning retreat. I arrived on Denman Island yesterday afternoon and I’ve been having a wonderful time with Bronwyn (and Bob and Bella, too!) So far we’ve eaten delicious food, walked a beautiful path by the sea, drank delicious coffee, and have barely stopped talking. There’s so much […]

Awaken the Senses: Sex in 3D

Awaken the Senses: Sex in 3D

Sight For your visual pleasure on this week’s Pinterest board we have collected the soft, the velvety, the deliciously shadowy. Slip into a silk kimono and join us for this week’s sensual romp. Sound This steamy playlist is perfect for your Friday night! Scent Here at Vivid we love our essential oils. Right now my […]

Daily Menopause Wisdom: Age Inappropriate!

Daily Menopause Wisdom: Age Inappropriate!

I’m a little bit tired of all the advice, the do’s and don’ts, the little comments, the magazine articles, all telling me, a woman at menopause, what is appropriate for a “woman my age.” Are you tired too? What if you had permission to do/dress/be in whatever way most fed your spirit, whatever way lit […]